The title of this is Hip-Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women by Jennifer McLune. This is all about hip-hop and how it affects black women including racism, sexism, genders, and different dimensions of the personal life. What hip-hop does to men and women and the intentions of hip-hop in society today, I think hip-hop is fun, and different. To some extent, some of the things that they use and say are wrong and shouldn’t be used in the way that hip-hop uses it but I do think it is fun and different and also another way to express thoughts, feelings, etc. The hip-hop artists get very creative with it and it’s interesting to hear and see.
These people that label their selves as “nigga” but if a person who is not of color is to use it we are racist. Isn’t that a double standard? How is it ok for you to say it but we are not allowed without being called a word that a lot of people overlook….Racism will always exist until people of color stop killing each other. I read an article called “salute to all gangbangers” written by a black man about black on black crime. Everyone in the south was in an uproar because they thought the KKK had written it.
This notion is what forced America into an era of black faced performers and blacks portraying monkeys in the past. Furthermore, some blame the media for causing stereotypes of blacks as the “trouble race”. It is not unusual to turn on the local news and see a story about crimes committed by African-Americans, males especially. It is believed that the media helps feed the stereotype of the criminal black man through the continually poor representation of black men though the news. Denis Rome, a sociologist and professor at Indiana University, believes that these stereotypes present an opportunity for black men to live up to the negative portrayals; thinking if they accuses them of it then they might as well do it
“Violence of some kind was recognized as necessary for breaking the conspiracy of silence and complacency about economic oppression, police violence, and other social ills of the black inner city.” (pg. 59). Tupac is one of many rappers who, though looked at as just a thug or a gangster, he rapped about a great number of issues that plagued and continue to plague the urban African American communities. Since rap is a form of art, and art has a deep connection to life used as a tool for structuring and shaping one’s ethics and lifestyle, it like other forms of art is simply a means of political engagement to raise consciousness and promote greater freedom (pg. 57).
The demonization of African Americans in America comes not only from Whites, but also from those of their own race. The imaging projected worldwide by American mass media of Blacks, especially Black males, fly in the face of reality. Those images have some small amount of validity, but they are crafted from the Black underclass, and then used to depict the entire 100% of Blacks. It’s not just the white media, the black media also does Blacks a grave disservice by helping to destroy Black people's reputation worldwide by modeling images that many inner city youths, who already have enough negative models, think are true Black America, worthy of
I bring this up to touch on the aspects of Black men in the media. Soon after biggie started dealing drugs he became more interested in trying to obtain sex from black females. His new attire that he was able to acquire from dealing apparently gave him a huge confidence boost. I point out his obsession for having sex because the author Hooks describes this phenomenon in his essay titled “It’s a dick thing.” Hooks states, “Equating manhood with fucking, many black men saw status and economic success as synonymous with endless sexual conquest.”(Hooks, Bell, It’s a Dick Thing, 2004) Throughout the movie although Biggie eventually becomes married he is never satisfied with one woman. He becomes obsessed with sex and acquiring it.
Many african american males are socialized to be more macho. Many argue that that since black men were not allowed to be real men so gender roles have now become blurred betwern black males and females. Black women are now socialized to support themselves, and are taking on more of a prominent role in the workplace and the home. This socialization of gender roles has created strife in the black male/female relationship as well. Young black males are socialized to be powerful and rational beings.
Taylor Campbell English 1101 Section 41 Dr. Antiwan Walker October 7, 2014 Identity Crisis: What it means to be black and middle class in America In Shelby Steele’s essay “On being black and middle class” he writes, “It has always annoyed me to hear from the mouths of certain arbiters of blackness that middle-class blacks should "reach back" and pull up those blacks less fortunate than they.“ The black middle class has always been categorized as hardworking white-collar members of society sacrificing daily to provide for their families, while also seemingly staying in touch with black culture. In recent times, the need to stay in touch with black culture has diminished, and the need to assimilate into other cultures such as Caucasian,
What purpose does it serve Keith Boykin to use his platform on the BET website to criticize Don Lemon’s use of his much larger platform on CNN to speak to the black community? Boykin actually sounds as if he believes that he and Don Lemon have reached a point in their careers that limit their voices in the black community because of the success they enjoy. This is a ridiculous notion and a dangerous one. Hip Hop artist use their global reaching microphones to spread the misogyny and ignorance that plagues the black community without any thought to the damage they cause. It is not only appropriate for Don Lemon to correct behavior from his national stage – it is his obligation to do so.
Every race has people that are discriminatory and this includes groups lime the black panthers other African supremacy groups are just as guilty in the category if racist groups as the KKK. The problem with hate groups are that they skew views people have about other races causing them to themselves become racist subconsciously. Studies have taken place at Stanford university as well as the university at California berkley that have studied racism and subconscious racism are still a very prominent aspect of humanity. Part of the problem in the unsuccessful attempts to kill racism is that there are people who don't admit that it's real anymore. Acceptance is a viable part if repentance.