Black Colour in English and Russian Idioms

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Introduction: The main aim of the paper is to investigate idioms with the headwords denoting black colour terms in English and Russian languages. This article focuses on a wide range of readers and will be useful to all those who are interested in foreign culture and learn new language. The reader is acquainted with the "black colour" idioms, their classification, recognizes how important phraseological units in our speech. The paper presents classification of phraseology of famous scientists. The topic was selected since the study of the phraseological units is the one of the most important link in the process of study foreign language. The use of the phraseological units excludes using extra word which are no needed, facilitates understanding of the interlocutor, make the speech more emotional and colourful, as well as helping to understand the culture of the language you are studying. English language is very idiomatic. Idioms are used almost everywhere, starting from friend chat to business conversations. Native speakers use idioms in every day communication (Correli). There are about 15 000 English idioms and in order to learn them there are special dictionaries of the idiom. Speaking of phraseologisms in the English language, it is important to tell about many “coloured” idioms, i.e. idioms which include the name of the different colours. Despite the fact that the colour is a basic characteristic of the world around us, a representative of each nationality sees the world in its own way, as part of his mentality, national culture. The colour term that is going to be analysed as the headwords of idioms - Black. Theoretical background: What is Idiom? Many people cannot tell for sure what is idiom since there is no single definition of idiom and no rules that would conveniently and unexceptionably describe it. According to Jenifer Seidl and W.Mc Mordie in

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