Biological Models Of Addiction

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Discuss biological models of addiction 25 marks One biological model of addiction is genetics. This approach argues that some individuals have a genetic predispositionor vunrebility to addiction. Noble found the A1 variant of the DRD2 gene preent in two thirds of deseaced alcoholics. addictive substances stimulate receptors in the brain which creates a feeling of pleasure. This prolong the addiction/ individuals with a gentic vunrebility are more likely to prolong the addiction. those with the A1 variant of the DRD2 gene are more prone to shorter periods of abtinance. another biological explanation of addiction is the disease model. Addictive substances stimulate a reward circuit in the brain. This produces a feeling of pleasure and because it makes you feel good you continue the activity. If the drug is taken for long enough it leasds to down regulation and the good feeling is reduced. This leads to withdrawl symptons . now the drug Is taken to avoid feeling bad. Stopping is hard as the addcitive substance alters thinking patterns in the brain o drug use continues even though they know no reward is coming. They effectively have no self control. This means they have shorter periods of abtinacne. One of the strengths of the disease model addiction is that there is supporting reaearch. Volkow gave Ritalin to a group of participants he found that some of the participents enjoyed the experience while others didn’t. He conducted brain scans and found that those who enjoyed the feeling brought on by Ritalin had fewer dopamine receptor. there is research that contradicts the genetic explanation of addiction. Comings found the DRD2 gene present in individual with autism. This is a weakness as it contradict the idea of the DRD2 gene being a reward gene as individuals with autism aren’t seen to be pleasure seeking. a critisms of the biological approach to
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