Bioethical Decision-Making Analysis Paper

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Liz and Al Jones are married and have been trying to have a baby without success for the past four years. The couple was referred to a fertility clinic for specialty management, suspecting Al has a low sperm count. In a case like this, couples chances of conceiving will be increased by artificial insemination during Liz’s peak ovulation period, after Al’s sperm is collected, washed, and concentrated. During clinics routine pre-screening, Al was diagnosed to be HIV positive, and at the same time Al confidentially in a conference call with fertility NP disclosed his concealed bisexual relationship with men unknown to his wife. Clinic policy requires fertility treatment to be interrupted until a counseling team comprising of the fertility NP, Social Worker (SW), and a psychologist meets with couple. Al is unwilling to do this and want NP to withhold his HIV result from Liz because of fear of Liz leaving him with disclosure of extramarital affairs. Al now claims he did not understand the consent process. Liz calls the clinic a day after post test counseling with Al, unaware of the problem and asking for a schedule treatment date. NP decided to seek help by consulting the ethics committee for possible solutions in sorting out the issues and deciding how to respond to Liz. Looking at the big picture, we are face with a couple trying to become parents and now have an even greater concern to deal with. Al the husband is HIV positive, a bisexual, and does not want the result or his sexual orientation to be disclosed to his wife. Al is an adult and has the right to express his ethical principle of autonomy which according to Grace, (2008) is the individual’s right to self determination, freedom to make independent decisions without being influence or regulated by others, with their conducts influenced by personal reasons. The Patient Self-Determination Act also allows
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