Bio200 Week 3 Assignment 1 Understand The Environment

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CAPELLA UNIVERSITY SOPHIA NELSON BIO2000 – ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH GARON BODOR – INSTRUCTOR Understanding Environmental Health Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviors. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. There is only one planet for us and we live in it. But due to modernization, the environment has suffered and most inhabitants of this planet just shrugged their shoulder for a time. Now, that the planet is complaining through so many natural ways and tragedies, nobody can just shrug a shoulder…show more content…
It would be best if these technologies that make our lives so much easier and convenient would also make it easier for the entire planet. Pollution is a very big concern for everyone. Air, water, and noise pollutions are byproducts of modernization because humans have simply overlooked the environment for so long a time. Again, there is nothing wrong in wanting to advance to the next level - but we owe it to the planet to consider its needs as well. Now that so many groups and individuals (even businesses) have started to go green and to think green, it may not really be too late for this planet. Every citizen of every country who makes the effort to build a concern for his environment matters a lot. Each family should raise the awareness among the children about the effects of pollution to the environment and these kids should be taught to care for the planet too. The next generations of children, after all, are the ones who will suffer the consequences if nobody will start to do something today. Little ways of introducing the bad effects of pollution can help make these kids aware of their

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