Bio- Local Ecosystem

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Preliminary Biology: Topic Summary The Local Ecosystem Matt Elrick 1. The distribution, diversity and numbers of plants and animals found in ecosystems are determined by biotic and Abiotic factors. 1.1 Compare the Abiotic characteristics of aquatic and terrestrial environments. Characteristic Viscosity (how hard it is to move through a Aquatic Terrestrial High Low Animals and plants experience an upward force because water is dense. Animals and plants do not experience much buoyancy from air. They need to be able to support themselves. Surface temperatures on land vary far more than in water. Daily and seasonal variations may be very great. The ability to avoid or tolerate heat gain and loss is important in land organisms. Atmospheric pressure decreases with height. It may affect the breathing of organisms and flight. Gases are freely available in air and diffusion is rapid. gas or a liquid) Buoyancy (amount of support experienced by an object immersed in a liquid or gas) Temperature Variation Water heats up more slowly than air. The temperature in a particular region varies only a little from year to year. Pressure Variation Pressure in water increases rapidly with depth. Very few organisms live at great depths. Gas availability in water is low and depends on temperature. Diffusion is slower. More gases can be dissolved at lower temperatures. Oxygen concentration also decreases with depth. Water availability is rarely a problem in aquatic environments. Availability of Gases Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are important gases for living organisms. Availability of Water Water (H2O) is vital for the survival of all organisms. Light Penetration Availability of Shelter Availability of Space Light falling on water may be reflected, scattered or absorbed. Light
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