Bill 106 Persuasive Essay

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Dear Senator, It has been brought to the attention of New York City that you are in support of Bill 106. Not only are the non smokers directly effected through second hand smoke, but the smokers are once again encouraged to harm their bodies. It has been six years since the smoking ban has been in effect in New York City. Ultimately it has been a positive change for America. I understand why Bill 106 may seem like a good idea. After all, restaurants and bars are privately owned, not city owned. It should be up to the owner whether or not the occupants can smoke. The government also gives the people (over the age of 18) the choice to smoke. New Yorkers especially pay a high amount of tax on cigarettes to smoke and therefore want their freedom of environment. Smokers also feel that if they cannot smoke in public, that they should not even pay public taxes. The basic argument here is: non smokers should choose where they want to eat and drink because smokers were given the right by the government to smoke. With all valid arguments put to a side, the crucial issue of concern boils down to is public health. Second-hand cigarette smoke is the…show more content…
Think of all the children that are affected by the second hand smoke at restaurants. Would you want that for your children? Non smokers are not dependent on cigarettes. They have no need to smoke, and it is their choice to be free of toxins. Just because other people decide that they want to inhale carcinogens, it does not mean the healthy should have to suffer as well. In conclusion, Senator, your bill to revoke the public smoking ban is so unhealthy it is unnerving. The future of America looks dark when there are no regulations on such a harmful product. The cries from the smokers have been heard, but quite frankly the non smokers should have the ultimate say in the issue. That say is NO to public

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