Bilingualism's Effect on Cognitive Development

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Running Head: BILINGUALISM’S EFFECT ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 1 Bilingualism’s Effect on Cognitive Development Pablo Mora University of California Davis BILINGUALISM’S EFFECT ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Abstract Research in cognitive development has examined the cognitive advantages of bilingual children of different ages, cultures, and SES backgrounds. De Abreu, tested Portuguese-Luxembourgish bilingual children and monolingual children from Portugal from low SES backgrounds on two components of cognitive functioning - representation and control. Goetz tested the metalinguistic and inhibitory control advantages present in 3 and 4-year-old Mandarin monolinguals, English monolinguals, and Mandarin-English bilinguals. General findings suggest that bilingualism has major influences selective attention, metalinguistic awareness, and executive problem solving. 2 BILINGUALISM’S EFFECT ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Little research has been conducted on bilingualism’s effect on cognitive development advantages bilingual children’s exhibit in certain cognition processes. The acquisition of a new language and its continuous practice, while switching back and forth from one language to the other, increases inhibitory control (e.g., the ability to direct attention firmly and maintain it), metalinguistic awareness (e.g., the ability to think of language as a process as well as a thing itself), and socio-economic problem solving (de Abreu et al., 2012). Bilingual children learn to direct their attention to their speech and train of thought so that their peers effectively understand them. For example, de Abreu’s research study tested monolingual and bilingual children on their selective attention and interference suppression. While Goetz’s study tested 3 and 4-year-old bilingual children with false-belief tasks. It
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