Bhutia Systems of Marriage in Sikkim

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Chapter 4: FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS A sociological study of the marriage systems - The Bhutia community of Sikkim: MARRIAGE AND RITUALS Traditionally, bhutia communities practiced the system of polyandry. In this system of polyandry, if there are two or more brothers, the eldest brother would marry and the other brothers would consider that one women as their wife. In this case one brother would stay at home and others would work on fields, join the army, or would do any other occupation. In this kind of marriage all brothers had an understanding in such a way that they had intimate relationship with the same women. But, if one of the brothers wanted to marry other women, they had to ask the permission of the present wife. Usually when one brother is getting intimate with the wife, his slippers would rest outside the room, which is way to prevent other brothers from coming inside the room. The child born to the eldest brother would address him as “papa”, and the other brothers as “akku” (uncle). But if the child is born of one of the other brothers, he/she would address the elder brother as “haba bampu” (big father) and the other younger brothers of the father as “akku” itself. The wife/women/mother decides who the father is. All the brothers would take the responsibility of the child. The reasons of such a system to exist, was that property would not get divided, the family would stay strong and conflicts could be avoided. Now this system of polyandry is limited to the lachin-lacho tribes in the north Sikkim. Usually the marriage had three stages and the role of “mama” is very important in the system of Sikkemese bhutia marriages. The mama is an important figure while making decisions. If a mama is not there, any one could take his place. Someone is who is very able and authoritative usually takes the place. Even if there is a mama, and he is not very bold and

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