This is best shown in the poem ‘Disabled.’ Owen was ultimately driven by the betrayal of the authorities, religion and society and he used his horrifying experiences of the war to exemplify this betrayal. Owen uses graphic and powerful imagery to capture the horrors of war. He uses this to forcefully change the attitudes society had about war during the early 1900’s. The poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ most strikingly
Through this detailed description, Gurganus adds to his argument, making the war sound even more horrific. He is trying to get people to see his perspective, and to make all the glory of war seem meaningless. We send these men over to live in terrible conditions and they don’t even know why they are there
If one country is threatening another country, then they go to war and attempt to kill each other off. The movie, “A History Of Violence” portrays the idea of humans being inherently violent through the actions of Joey/Tom and his acquaintances. In one of the opening scenes, there are two murderers that enter Tom’s Diner at closing time. The men attempt to take everyone in the restaurant hostage and seconds before the raping of the waitress, Tom smashes a coffee pot on the face of one of the murderers and shoots and kills both of them. As the murderers were preparing to kill everyone, Tom attempted to talk to them and alleviate the situation to avoid anybody getting hurt.
Once he betrays Friendly, Terry is without the work. Still, Terry goes on to confronts Friendly by the docks and when all the dock workers are witness to the brutal beating of Terry by Friendly, they refuse to work unless Terry is also allowed to work. This is when the fear the workers had of the dock bosses shift. Terry had neither wanted nor intended to be a hero, but as he evolved to a “man” he had become not only a hero, but also a symbol of the workers' intolerance of manipulation by the dock bosses. In The Passion of Joan of Arc, Joan (Renee Maria Falconetti) is brought to trial.
In one scene the men in Bricksville try to lynch Colonel Sheburn, Colonel Sheburn saw that the town was getting ready to attack him, so he begins to give a speech saying “The idea of you lynching anybody! It’s amusing. The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a man! (161). In this speech Colonel Sheburn attacks the cowardice of the mob, for they don’t have the courage to attack him one on one.
He does not reveal and or admit to anyone that he knew and involvment in Joey’s murder until later on the film. Terry confesses to Father Barry about his involvement in Joey’s death and Father Barry convinces Terry to tell Edie. With the help of Father Barry and Joey’s sister, Edie Doyle, Terry decides to try and expose the mobsters corrupt union leaders plans to employ and to extort money and labor, but it may be too late. Terry ends up testifying to the commission in court against Friendly’s mob, and sends him and every mob member to prison. The film then moves to a scene in which Terry delivers a speech announcing a new goal which was to break away from mob rule.
Under any civilized society this is never an ethical alternative for punishment of criminals, it does nothing but harm society and can never, by any means, be justified. Capital punishment is said to deter all the crime and violence that exists in our society. Notice that the government uses violence to try to end violence, and that’s all the death penalty is, violence. An attorney from the University of Minnesota Law School states, “America’s death penalty continues to be just another form of violence in an already too-violent society” (Bessler). This makes no sense to continuously try to end violence with violence.
Betrayal (or backstabbing) is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations. Often betrayal is the act of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others. Someone who betrays others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer. Betrayal is also a commonly used literary element and is often associated with or used as a plot twist. Roger L. Jackson, author of the article, The Sense and Sensibility of Betrayal: Discovering the Meaning of Treachery Through Jane Austen, writes that "there has been surprisingly little written about what we even mean by the term".
What the hell do you think I was thinking of, the goddamn business? Is that as far as your mind can see, the business?” (2.557). It’s apparent that Chris has very opposite ethical views than his father, who will do anything for himself and his family. Joe blames the deaths of the pilots on his coworker because he would go to prison and his business would be destroyed, leaving his family with nothing. He tries convincing Chris to see the way he sees when he tells him, “You lay forty years into a business and they knock you out in five minutes, what could I do, let them take forty years, let them take my life away?” (2.542).
Before the arraignment is even begun, Carl Lee shows up at the courthouse and opens fire. Influenced by the tremendous pain of his loss, he slays the two accused of the crime and injures one police officer. This was a passionate retribution, and Carl Lee is then charged with two counts of murder in the first degree. Unfortunately, Carl Lee is trapped in a world where justice is not the focus and skin color is the issue. Since, Carl Lee can not afford an attorney of his choice, he is assigned the young and ambitious Jake Brigance.