Bermuda Triangle Essay

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“The Bermuda Triangle is a beautiful vacationing place with a magnificent beach along with great weather. The downfall of this beauteous place is that hidden behind its beauty is a great evil, but is still unknown; it takes anything and anyone that may step in its way... never to be seen again” (Lexton97). Not just vacationers but a numerous amount of boats and planes cross the Bermuda Triangle everyday as well (Lexton97). Aliens, time-warps, methane gas, electronic fog, and disastrous waves are all theories in which people believe are explanations why there have been so many disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle (Lexton97). To this day, no one can give an exact reason why so many people, aircrafts, and ships have entered the Bermuda Triangle and are never to be seen again. It is a mysterious phenomenon that has baffled scientists and researchers for years because “more aircrafts and ships will vanish there than any other place in the world” (Gernon and Pares). The Triangle is also called the Sea of Doom, the Graveyard of the Atlantic, the Devil’s Triangle, but it is famously known as the Bermuda Triangle. The Triangle became super popular in 1964 when the Argosy magazine gave it its super catchy official name, The Bermuda Triangle. The Triangle covers 500,000 square miles of open ocean and is located between Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. “Numerous people have sailed over the Atlantic Ocean, vanishing leaving no trace; each story is different in their own unique way but each one has a hidden mystery, all creepily relating to each other” (Lexton97). Just in the past 35 years, 120 planes, 700 boats, and many lives have all vanished without any evidence or explanation (Gernon and Pares). The Triangle has taken ships of all kinds and sizes. For example, a 520 foot freighter, called the S.S. Poet which has been missing since 1980. Even very experienced pilots
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