Bermuda Pentagon Interpretation

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Taylor Park Music Interpretation “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain,” –Bob Marley. The Bermuda Pentagon began in the city of Los Angeles, CA. The band of five began through an unexpected meeting through a mandated sentencing of community service due to individual mishaps. The leading supervisor was able to unite the four individuals through music and begin a band of a new genre, reggae/jazz. Through the supervision of a professional counselor and approval from the court, the newly formed band is able to serve their community service through organized free gigs and practices. Each band member has deep internal struggles that led them inside the court room and sentenced to community service. The new album, “Deceive” by…show more content…
Amber, the drummer with her anger issues expressed through the color red. Amber’s black tank top expresses her anger issues upfront and open. Her purple lips represent her boldness to speak what she likes. The sun surrounding Amber represents her essence and personality. The sun is always bright and hot, similar to Amber’s temper and dynamism. Randy, the saxophone player wears the gold chain and a purple suit to portray his confidence. Although purple represents royalty, in Randy’s case he is portraying what he would like to become. The black collar of his suit jacket also signifies that the lining inside is black as well. The black lining shows that although Randy would like to be perceived as royalty, he still has a lot of dark secrets he is trying to cover up. Joe, a passive aggressive, expresses his underlying expression by is bright red button up covered by his black tuxedo. His red pocket square portrays his anger being tucked away in his blue pocket to subdue his rage and anger. His blue bowtie symbolizes his restraint of his calm calamity. Deole, the lead singer of the band represents his mysterious characteristics through almost no color, only the green and brown body paint which also covers his

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