Beowulf Study Questions

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Study Questions For Beowulf 15. Why are there so many stories-within-the-story or "digressions" in the poem> What is the relation between the digressions and the main narrative in "Beowulf"? The numerous digressions within "Beowulf" are related to beowulf in that they serve to describe and relate to a situation in the epic by emphasizing emotions or mood. The digressions also help give historical context and give insight to Beowulf's character. 18. Why do you suppose the poet digresses to tell the tale of Beowulf's swimming contest with Breca? What does it show us about Beowulf? What revelation does Beowulf make about Unferth and his past actions in lines 585-595? The Poet digresses to tell the story of Beowulf's swimming contest with Breca to show Beowulf is not completely invincible, and the digression's context gives light to the social ettiquite of the mead hall. Unferth suggests that Beowulf is Vain but Unferth's jealously show's Unferth's vanity. Unferth was rudely attempting to dishonor Beowulf who was a guest in the Danish mead hall. In lines 585-595 it is revealed that Unferth is an sub-par warrior, he either killed his own kin in murder or in his inaction in Grendel's attacks. 19. Why does the dragon attack the Geats? Is it justified in its actions Please cite some evidence --societal values, other--to support your argument. The dragon attacks the Geats because someone disturbed it's barrow or treasure hold, by stealing a goblet. The Dragon was justified in his wanton destruction as he was trespassed against not by a single man but by the thief and his lord who out of neglegence coveted the treasure(line 2281-2285). The dragon is justified in a lesser degree in context that Beowulf is justified in killing Grendel's Mother who stole Beowulf's trophy. 20. Unferth and Wiglaf both may be seen as foils ( a character in direct

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