Benefits Of Recycling

750 Words3 Pages
When materials are separated and collected to be processed and remanufactured into new products it is called recycling. Recycling is beneficial to the environment of the whole world. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that has to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people that recycle, the lesser it costs and the size of landfills would be reduced and there would be less pollution. Everyone needs to start doing their part and start recycling in order to start saving the world that we live in. When I first picked recycling as my project I didn’t believe that there would be such a big recycling crisis in Schulykill County. I would like to take a moment to educate everyone on the importance of recycling, and maintaining our sustainability of taking care of our environment. The primary issue at hand is Global warming. Currently we are using more and more of our raw materials that we necessarily don’t need to if everyone were to do their part and recycle. Recycling helps avoid global climate changes by sinking greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions can effect from the disposal, use and manufacturing of products. Greenhouse gas emissions are an element of nature and they help make climates that maintain life on earth. If greenhouse gas emissions reach hazardous concentration levels, then you might see increasing global temperatures, sea level rises and falls, and other climate changes. Recycling can help decrease greenhouse gas emissions Landfills are overcrowded and we are running out of space to open new landfills. With recycling a landfill can increase the lifespan of the landfill by two times, since their will be less

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