Benefits of Plastic

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Rhamy Y. Belayachi CHUM Mrs. Bello, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Taylor March 12, 2014 Plastic Benefits in the Automotive Industry and on Consumers Today Automobile designers today utilize plastic for the composition of a car for different reasons. The automotive industry today benefits greatly from the use of plastics because they increase safety, increase performance, and allow for more effective vehicle design. As a result, consumers can choose between more diverse cars, expect to be safer, and see much stronger vehicles. Due to the use of plastics in automobiles, safety is drastically increased and this provides a safer environment for the consumer. Additionally, money is saved from the manufacturer’s side because plastic is cheaper to produce, resulting in a more creative and effective automobile design. Finally, the performance of the car – appearance, weight, and power – is improved providing the consumer with more choices and optimal power (Besland et al.). Automobile designers have more choice and flexibility because plastic provides the adaptability that metal simply cannot. Using plastic for gas tanks allows the designers to design the car as they wish and leave the gas tank for last. The gas tank can be any shape or size when it is plastic ("Plastics in Transportation"). When the gas tank is shaped to the car and not vice versa, consumers are positively impacted because like before, they have more creative choices to choose from for their car. Moreover, plastic is lighter and thinner than metal. Therefore, designers can shape it to their needs when designing car door handles, trim or the like which diversifies the automotive industry leading to the stereotypical design for cars being blurred. Thus, the design of the vehicle is more versatile. Molding of plastics proffers geometric detail like no other, complex shapes, and a design range that is nonexistent when
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