It would allow students in college to go out and enjoy themselves without being stressed out about breaking the law, as well as possibly lower the number of alcohol related injuries and incidents. Also, a lower drinking age would promote a higher sense of responsibility in young adults. I feel that lowering the drinking age to eighteen is something that should be considered to better the lives and futures of people
Clearly there are many reasons why drinking age should be lowered to 18, the most obvious being that too many people are drinking before they are 21. Liquor stores, bars, and clubs all want to make money, and if they can get away with selling to underage teens, then they will. By now is it obvious that the law has not succeeded in preventing the under-21 group from drinking? There are multiple facts that provide reasons why the
Lately, this topic has become a big deal. There are great things that come out of the drinking age of twenty-one, but gratifying things would also come out of lowering it. By keeping the minimum drinking age at twenty-one, it would save countless lives. This reason alone should be enough to persuade one’s mind to want to keep it at twenty-one. Pros and Cons of Lowering the Drinking Age In today’s society, many young adults turn to alcohol to self-treat depression, stress, and other psychological illnesses.
Schoolies is yet another reason to lift the legal drinking age to 21, not only does it put 18 year olds is danger it also puts the community around them in danger. Lifting the legal age is the right thing to do. Today, young people are drinking from a much earlier age and it is affecting one of their most important organs, their brain. Alcohol as a neurotoxin affects young brains in the area known as the amygdala, which controls risk taking, rewards and gratification. It also affects the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for logic, judgment and planning.
People find it bizarre that the tobacco age is 18, but the drinking age is 21? People care more about alcohol than they do tobacco products, but tobacco is one of the leading killers in the U.S. today. Allowing 18 year olds to start ingesting tobacco products, such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco, at the age of only 18 will give them an earlier start to becoming addicted, and in the long run, shorten their life span. Some think it is absurd letting people smoke, but they cannot go out with friends and drink. Smoking and drinking are both addictive and can have negative effects if used improperly, but smoking one cigarette is more harmful than drinking one beer.
The first point people have against lowering the drinking age make is that most 18-year olds are mature enough. They believe that young adults do not know when to stop and that they will just drink until they have alcohol poisoning. The second point opposes make is that lowering the drinking age will create alcoholics. They believe that even at 18-years old people are susceptible to gaining a dependence on something like alcohol. If the drinking age is 21 then by that time they will have a strong mind to not be dependent.
I think that if you grow up around a legal drinking age of 18 instead of 21 kids would mature more at any earlier age. I think that the fact that teens cannot drink legally makes them want to drink more, and go crazy. Colleges all over the world have been starting an
Lowering the drinking age Underage drinking has become an epidemic in today’s society among the young generation. Statistics shown more than half of adolescence between the ages of twelve and twenty have at least consumed or encountered alcohol at least twice. Alcohol is the drug of choice to some adolescents. As a result of the adolescent consuming alcohol binge drinking can occur. Frequent adolescents binge drinkers are more likely to engaged in dangerous behaviors such as, partaking other drugs such as, marijuana and cocaine, having multiplies sex partners and earning d’s and f’s for academic grades.
Whether the legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen or remain at twenty one is a big issue right now to lots of people. The younger crowd will most likely argue that it should be lowered to eighteen, but they have many legit reasons why it should be. The legal drinking age should be lowered because it is already easily accessible to them, the percentage of reckless teen alcohol abusers will be reduced and also because at the age of eighteen you are legally considered an adult. Almost all teens between the ages of 14-17 have tried alcohol before. Majority of the time it is given to them by someone between the ages of 18-21.
Instead of trying to prevent every American under the age 21 from consuming any alcohol, there needs to be more government programs to educate younger people on the problems that alcohol can have, if inappropriately consumed. If the drinking age is lowered and mandatory classes on alcohol consumption are made, Americans would start making smarter decisions about alcohol in general. On the other hand, a lot of people say that if the drinking age were lowered to 18 people would abuse it. Americans aren't used to the idea of drinking casually. Drinking in the US has become an abusive activity that some people cannot control.