Benefits and Tools of Web 2.0

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Findings Page | | Class Deliverable Due date: | Case StudyMarch 4, 2015 11:59pm | Information Sought: | Repeat the Question in this assignment | Answer A: What are benefits, tools & techniques of Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is a set of technologies and applications that enable efficient interaction among people, content, and data in support of collectively fostering new businesses, technology offerings and social structures. Web 2.0 is giving companies the ability to Organizations are engaging Web 2.0 via internal and external Web 2.0 applications such as blogs, RSS, Wikis, Pods, Widgets and Social network. The five types of Web 2.0 enterprises are web aggregators, social network, and business networks, SaaS for enterprise and Brand servants. RSS allows companies to build daily relationships. Widgets come in three classes; web browser, desktop and mobile and are a graphical designed to be composed into larger applications. Widgets offer exclusivity, immediacy, customization and personalization, viral brand building, subtle peripheral communications and fun and entertainment. Web widgets focus mainly on affiliation then on function and on allowing portability across high traffic sites. The goal of widgets for organizations are brand extension, information immediacy and frequency of updates. | Answer B: The issues & best practices Issues and best practices of Web 2.0 are to start with an objective. Many online communities are groups of people that share a common interest. Organizations must be ready to surrender control and hand it over to the people. Once control is given over companies must decide where to start: listening, talking, energizing, support or embracing. This must be kept at the forefront with Web 2.0. Organizations must develop a plan and find ways to gauge progress. An effective plan provides flexibility, one objective, needs of the

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