Benefits And Drawback Of Concrete

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BENEFITS AND DRAWBACK OF CONCRETE Introduction to concrete: Concrete as we know today is one of the construction materials that is commonly used in construction industry. It is mainly a combination of three main ingredients which is cement, water, and aggregate that eventually will harden into a stone like material. Although concrete is a strong materials, but still can’t endure the weather and the environment. So, admixture is added to improve its properties. Nowadays, we can see concrete everywhere since it is used more than any other man-made material in the world. Concrete that is made today are much better than those in the previous days as the advance in the concrete technology and because of that it can be used in many more application, ranging from piles to high rise buildings and from sewer pipes to subways. It is largely used because of it is one of the most economical materials of construction and it is very versatile in nature and application. But the civil and structure engineers need to study the detail of the project since there are many type of concrete and to make sure that it s suitable and not to forget also its cost. Figure 1: concrete being poured from a concrete Figure 2: concrete are being used for the Mixer truck. Foundation. The properties of concrete in its fresh and hardened state can show large variation depending on the type, quality and proportions of the constituents, and from the discussion to follow and those properties of the constituent materials which affect concrete behavior. (Neil Jackson and Ravindra K. Dhir 1996) Workability of concrete Workability of concrete has is generally implies the ease with which a concrete mix can be handle from the mixer to its finally compacted shape. The three main characteristics of the property are consistency,

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