Benefit of Part Time Job

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Benefit of Part Time Job Talking about a part time job, many college students wonder whether they should get a part time job or not because there are many different opinions about it. Some people said that the main task of college students is to study hard so that the students can get a good score and pass the bachelor which offers them better opportunities for work salary (Alastair, 2009). But I believe that a part time job give me and other students many greater benefit more than what mentioned above. The students which claim about part time job said that the student who have part-time job will face a decrease of achievement in their studies. Singh (1998) stated that the part time work/job will take the valuable time of students for college work. They no longer will have adequate time to complete the assigned homework or expand their knowledge through reading books. And there are many students who do a part time job have a limit participation to extracuriculer activity (Hope, 1990). As a result, they will fall behind the class schedule. In other words, part time work is responsible for the bad result of learning of students. But in fact, if students know how to balance and make effective use of their time to work and study, the results of their study will not be affected. For example, I have an experience of part time work/job in some places, I try to develop my daily plan that defines how much time I must spend on work, study/go to a lecture, and play with or hang out with my friends. Camthangtu (2010) found a studies which show that students who work have a better time management. Therefore, they may be looking for ways to achieve the task. In addition, the positive part time work allows students to apply their knowledge in practice, and this helps them remember and know better about what they have learned in the classroom or book. "Teacher"
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