Being In Love

320 Words2 Pages
Love is a universal feeling and every human on this earth loves someone. It is not necessary that love exists only between opposite sexes but love is there between human kind, between brothers, between sisters, between brothers and sisters, between parents and children, between husband and wife, between neighbours, between nations, etc. But, does being in love can solve problems ? Sometimes it can help people to pass trough difficulty of life, but on the other hand it can create a lot of problems in between two persons. So, love cannot help to solve problems, it can only beautify the outlook that people have on life. First, being in love can make people euphoric, so every problems will seem less important and it will be easy to think of other things than any problems that people can encounter during everyday life. But, one thing will not change in this state of spirit, the problem will not be resolve, he will be always there and being in love can change nothing to that. So, love can make people think that all is going perfect, but it will not resolve their problem. Second, in addition that love cannot resolve a lot of problems, it can be the source of many problems, like jealousy, love and affective dependence or, during and after a separation, it can make people really sad and depressive. Sometime, love can bring you to suicide in some extremes cases. Being in love can create problems, like dependence, jealousy and others ones. Finally, being in love cannot resolve problems, it can only make them look less serious, so it will be easy to forget them, but not to resolve them, in addition to that, being in love or breaking up with somebody can make you a lot of problems. Being in love is not a solution to resolve problem and does love really exist or is it just an illusion

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