Being An American Essay

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XXXX XXXXXX 2/12/13 What is an American? No other country in the world is like America. Our incredible diversity and values have always stood out in the international community. Being an American is not about the color of your skin, how much money you have, or what languages you can speak. If you go back far enough, everyone in America is an immigrant. From the Native American who crossed the Ice bridge to the thousands of new immigrants who migrate from all over the world every year. While our specific immigration policies are always in a state of change, once someone becomes an American, they have instant access to our way of life. As a world leader, the US projects its morals and cultures throughout the international community…show more content…
In addition to legal and physical hardships involved with immigration there can also be cultural hardships. American have a distinct culture which can strongly conflict with that of the country of origin. Large immigrant population tend to stick together in districts or neighborhoods but generations inevitably branch out and fully integrate, until eventually the languages from the homeland stop being passed down. But just as America changes the immigrants, the immigrants also change America. This is the 'melting pot' theory that everyone brings a little piece of the homeland culture with them which over time become adopted into American culture as well. From traditions to new words formed from a combination of languages. The words start as 'slang' but are eventually recognized nationwide and are adopted into the dictionary. The American mindset can be startling to some. We have a strong sense of individuality. Everyone likes to have their own style that is slightly unique to them. Our assertive nature is driven by our value for achievements. We are also straight forward and informal people. To many, out attitudes and mannerisms appear rude but directness is a way of life for us. This is probably mostly because of the way we value time. To Americans 'time is money' and speed is a major advantage. Our mindset is to work fast so we can relax later, where many places people would rather work at a easier pace for
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