Being a Lawyer

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There are many jobs in the world. Some jobs are minor like babysitting and some jobs are major like being a police officer. With all of these different types of jobs comes a certain amount of responsibility. This means you must do the best at the job you are obtaining. In my opinion, I think that the most interesting job would be a lawyer. By being a lawyer you give people and companies advice on what they can do and can’t do under the law. People hire lawyers to help them when they have something going on with the law, but some lawyers speak in court and some lawyers don’t. Also you might have to specialize in intellectual property, business finances, or bankruptcy depending on what type of law you want to practice. Lawyers do most of their work in offices, law libraries, and courtrooms. Lawyers also do a lot of research. For someone to become a lawyer they have to go through specific training requirements. You need a license from the state in which you would like to work in. Also you would need a college degree and would have to complete 3 years in law school. Lawyers have to past the bar examination test. The bar examination test is an examination to determine whether a candidate is qualified to practice law in a given jurisdiction. Even after lawyers start working, they need to keep learning about the changes in the law. Some states make lawyers take English and social studies classes. Finally, lawyers need to be confidently familiar with court, rules, and strategies. With every job comes working conditions. Working conditions for being a lawyer are that you must follow strict rules. Also the job description will vary on your experience and training. Salaried lawyers usually have structured work schedules. With a job like working with the law, there are advantages and disadvantages. Some disadvantages would be working late hours like 50 hours or more a week

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