Behaviorist Model Essay

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Outline and evaluate Behaviourist explanations of abnormality The behavioural model focuses on the idea that abnormal behaviour, and indeed all behaviour, is learnt from observing ones environment. For example in the case of a phobia, babies are born with the build in fear of loud noises, however fear of a stimulus such a spider is not a predestined fear and therefore must have been triggered from a learned response to that stimulus. This is known as classical conditioning. An example of a study done into classical conditioning is the ‘Little Albert’ experiment carried out by John B. Watson. In the experiment Watson took a young baby who did not have any fears, and placed him with animals that people commonly have phobias of. At first Albert responded positively to each of the stimulus, particularly to a white rat, which he reached out to and stroked. Watson then paired the rat with a loud noise which Albert disliked and cried at. After this Albert tried to get away from the rat and was weary around it. This was a learned response to the rat and this is believed to be the cause of phobias. However behaviourist also have the belief that any learned behaviour can also be unlearned by behaviour treatments. There are three main behaviour modifying courses of therapy that are commonly used, the first is similar to the experiment described above and is known as Aversion Therapy. This works by taking a conditioned stimulus to which the person has a conditioned response and adding an unconditioned stimulus which causes an association. This in turn causes a recondition response to the original stimulus. The second is known as systematic desensitisation in which the patient constructs a hierarchy of fearful situations from a comfortable situation on one that the patient feels they would be unable to cope with in term of their phobia. They are then taught methods of relaxation
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