Behaviorism in Classroom Setting

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Foreword First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping me and give me chance to finish this essay timely. I would also like to say thank you to Mr. Usman Kasim, as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well. This essay is the one of English task that composed of Principle of Language Learning. I hope this essay can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this essay to be better. Hopefully we as a student in “English Departement of Syiah Kuala University” can take the wisdowm of using behaviourism theory in our way to learn English. Thank you. Banda Aceh, 25th of December, 2014 The Author. Introduction As the students of English Departement, it is really important for us to know some kinds of approaches or theories that has any relation with language teaching and learning. In this case, some approaches have constructed in teaching and learning process. All of the approaches are conducted in teaching learning process in order to get the positive effect for the students and the teacher. The use of approach itself is to improve or increase the students ability. Even though there are some theories that still used some conventional methods that make the students feel not interested in joining the teaching and learning process. So, the role of teacher itself is to apply some approaches that is fix for the students so they will feel interested to learn. In this case, I would like to discuss about behaviourism that will be explained through history of behaviourism, definition of behaviourism, the characteristics of behaviourism, the principles of behaviourism, the strength and weakness of behaviourism, and the most important, the application of behaviourism in class during teaching and learning time. The History of Behaviourism According to

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