Behavior Analysis 1 Unit 4 Assignment

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Case Studies Applied Behavioral Analysis I PS306-01 January 26, 2013 The necessary foundation of operant conditioning is the fact that behavior can be increased or decreased after the appearance of a consequence. Even though it may seem like a simple start, the use of operant conditioning procedures might be affected by several different factors. According to our text, Cooper, Heron, & Howard, (2007) reinforcement will always increase behaviors; if it doesn’t increase the behavior then it is not reinforcement. Reinforcers are extra effective when giving without delay after the behavior occurs. This is called a Reinforcement contingency is used regularly used in ABA practice. The speed and timing of how/when reinforcement is delivered can significantly have an effect on how behavior is altered Cooper, Heron, & Howard, (2007). Bobby's room is constantly in a mess. His father has repeatedly asked his son to clean his room more often. I will use a behavior alteration program using the concept of operant conditioning. The target behavior in bobby’s case is; (cleaning Bobby’s bedroom). This includes, picking up toys and clothes, making his bed, as well as cleaning the floor. Operant conditioning this is a technique of learning that comes about through rewards and punishments for behavior Cooper, Heron, & Howard, (2007). During operant conditioning, a union is developed between a behavior and an outcome for that particular behavior. Reinforcement is any occurrence that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows. The two kinds of reinforcers are positive and negative Cooper, Heron, & Howard, (2007). For example: If Bobby gets money every week for cleaning his room, he will likely repeat cleaning his room to get more money. This is considered positive reinforcement; however the outcome can vary with each person and may not have the same effect depending
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