Before Your Home Is Just a Memory

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BEFORE YOUR HOME IS JUST A MEMORY… (CD by Stephen Ray Nichols and Family) As I listened to this song, I was struck with the truth to the lyrics. If your children left your home today what would they take as their memories. Did the God of Heaven reign there? Did happiness, peace, and love shine through? .Whatever the home you gave them will be their memory. Make their home a sweet memory. Tell them you love them and cherish them. Our children are only with us for a short time and then they will be starting their own lives. Our children are from the Lord. Psa. 127:3a And I know that I have heard the saying that our children are on loan from God and that we need to be willing to give them back to him. I think there is more to that. It is easy to say we have accomplished our responsibility to have children in our home, and then after carelessly raising them we give them back to the Lord. How can we make their home, our home, a sweet memory? Eph. 6:4b we need to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Titus 2:4 we need to love them…Prov 4:3 sight of his mother… Prov. 29:15 we need to correct them correctly not in anger Prov. 22:6 we need to train them along side of correcting them II Tim. 3:15 use Scripture to teach them Prov 20:7 Just man we need to be sure of our own walk with the Lord…they hear the same sermons!!! Prov. 31:28 then your home will be a sweet memory! How are our homes? Are they sweet memories? Reflect on what you are providing. In Luke 2:52 we are told that Jesus increased wisdom, stature, favor with God and Man. Educationally? Are you showing them that it is important to you if they struggle in school? That learning is a lifetime effort? Physically. Do they have clean clothes, good food, and security? Spiritually? Are you teaching them that God is an all loving, all seeing, and all knowing
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