Beet Juice Essay

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| CALIBER DEICERS | BEET JUICE | GENERAL PROPERTIES1 | Carbohydrate Source | Corn – Ethanol Production | Sugar beet – Food products and additives | Level of Refinement | Highly Refined | Not Refined | Colour | Clear | Brown | Odor | No Odor | Strong Odor | PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1 | Active Chloride* | 27% Magnesium Chloride | ~5-10% Naturally occurring Sodium Chloride | Eutectic Point (oC)* | -65oC | -32oC | Residual Effect* | Significant (Large amount of Magnesium Chloride) | Minor (Contains very little Magnesium/Calcium Chloride) | ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS1 | Heavy Metals | Meets PNS Specifications | High in Zinc | Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)* | 59,500 ppm | 274,500 ppm | Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)* | 92,000 ppm | 520,000 ppm | Corrosion* | 24.9% | 26.3% | *Caliber blends are always sold as finished blends; the performance characteristics shown are of Caliber-M1000. Beet Juice is sold as a concentrate as well as in various blends with sodium chloride; the performance characteristics outlined are that of the concentrate.1 General Properties: The carbohydrate sourced in the production of Caliber Deicers is a by-product of ethanol production (corn based)2. This by-product is then further refined to remove any particulate matter and the result is clear odorless corn syrup (referred to as Caliber)2. Beet juice is the by-product in the production molasses for sugar beets.3 The by-product is generally not processed further (depends on manufacturer) and commonly contains minute particles dispersed through-out liquid. As a result, beet juice based blends have a greater tendency to clog filters vs. caliber based blends.1 Performance Characteristics: Caliber possesses a significantly better eutectic point than that of beet juice. This translates to a greater melting capacity than that of beet juice.4 Environmental

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