Beck Depression Inventory

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The tool that I have chosen is the Beck Depression Inventory. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was designed to measure the severity of depression in adolescents and adults already diagnosed as depressed. It consists of 21 items with four options per item. The BDI is estimated to take the average person 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and the reading level is estimated at fifth grade level with the test designed for ages 13 years and older. The test may be administered orally in about 15 minutes. In this case, the test will be applied to a depressed diabetic patient. Recent estimates suggest that up to 15 percent of diabetics have major depression and 25 percent have depressive symptoms at some point, rates are significantly higher than those in people without diabetes. Without treatment, depression in diabetes is a chronic condition, and affects patients about one episode annually. Depression is associated with poor glucose regulation in diabetes, and improvement in depression is associated with a clinically significant improvement in glycemic control. Beck Depression. You would look to see if it applied to this group-probably fine since it has been measured in populations that can answer the questions and even though teens are not adults, they are able to accurately answer questions, and showed that they needed it. The outcome would hopefully be more accurate assessment, increased access to mental health services and accurate treatment that would hopefully improve this populations outcomes and decrease the suicide and untreated depression rates you would tell us what you would use it for in a nursing assessment. You would use it to determine and screen these teens for levels of depression and develop a treatment plan that would include referrals to mental health services if the tool. It is meant to be simple and get you all to think about assessment in a less

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