Beauty Pageant Essay

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Toddlers in Tiaras Beauty pageants have been a part of the American society beginning in the 1920’s, have been allowing children to compete since the 1960s, and have been used as a way to judge females on their looks and what they are wearing. Many children are brought into the pageant world mainly by their parents wanting to live vicariously. Throughout the years, child beauty pageants have been booming and have become a source of entertainment for many people. Although the child may be okay with parading around on a stage wearing frilly dresses and abnormal amounts of make up for their age, most of them do it because it is something their parents want. Some children don’t really enjoy it except for the titles they may win. Child beauty pageants tend to come with a high cost for the dresses, photographs, pageant coaches, make-up and hair stylists. In addition, there is the entry to the pageant itself, depending on which type you enter. There are various types of pageants a child may participate in, but the most common type is what is considered “full glitz.” Full glitz pageants attract the most participants simply because they have better rewards when you receive a title. They also give the child a sense of playing dress up by putting on the pretty dress and getting all dolled up for those short two minutes on stage. Generally, to enter a full glitz pageant, you have to have professional glamour shots, a fee of several hundred dollars, and make sure you have all your dresses, costumes, make-up and hair pieces in line depending on the categories in which you compete. Most of the time, a full glitz pageant will contain a beauty and outfit of choice category, which encompass the general beauty of the child and an outfit of their choice in which they perform a dance or some other talent of theirs. There are other alternatives to pageants that are less costly and

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