Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder

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BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER A famous blogger defines Beauty/ as a combination of countless diverse factors./ In humans,/ beauty is an amalgamation of goodness at heart/ and the beauty that appeals to the eyes,/ but even ideas/ can be beautiful too, /such as the thought of freedom/ or peace/. Even sights,/ such as rainbows/and I add green fields/ are captivating to the eyes/ and also emotions/ like love and happiness /can also be crowned /as beautiful. /But, in truth,/ beauty depends /from person to person,/ not to everyone might that rainbow/ be an exquisite view. /Every individual has different opinions,/ different interpretations/, different views./ An example is the way/ we answer Math problems, /there is only one certain answer/ but we have different methods or solutions/ to reach the answer. Right? (Pause then) In the movie “The Gifted”/ there are two women, /one is Robust/ and the other has a deformed or crooked teeth formation. / Physically or outwardly/ they look funny/ and are indeed/ not pleasant to look at/ but as I penetrated into their personality/ I still consider them beautiful/ because I saw/ beyond their outward appearances/ - beyond their funny looks/ is a sharp brain full of ideas/ they are intelligent and sweet/ and that made them exceptionally beautiful./ Don’t you think so?/Do we have the same perception? / Well,/ whatever your perceptions are,/ it only proves that/ we see and understand things/ not as they are /but as we are/ and I believe/ that there’s more than one vision or perception for each thing./ The concept of beauty has evolved from era to era/ as the world changes/. Back in the days of Marilyn Monroe,/ a fuller and a rounder figure/ was deemed as attractive/. Monroe herself /was a size 16!/ But despite that/ she was thought of /as the ‘perfect woman’./ Today,/ if you exist with a size 16 /you would be way

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