Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder

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“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” Ariel M. Knox Kent State University INTRODUCTION As Margaret Wolfe Hungerford wrote in her late nineteenth century novel, Molly Bawn, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. One can infer this quote pertains to the different standards of beauty amongst various individuals. Although body image issues among women are not a new social problem, one can argue this problem is escalating or becoming more noticeable. With the increasing convenience of magazines, newspapers and social media websites comes the hardship women portray when comparing themselves to models and actresses. The escalation of media influencing women has strengthened research claiming beauty among women is a cultural standard; a standard that can be defined as a social problem for the reason that repercussions resulting from striving to fit the often un-obtainable appearance of those defined as beautiful by the media. LITERATURE REVIEW A social problem can be described as a condition that undermines the well being of some or all members of society. Often times, it is a matter of public controversy (Tiggerman, Polivy 2010). A sociological prospective can be described as a theory or study regarding a sociological phenomena within different levels of analysis. A social problem is derived from sociological perspectives. Body image issues among women can be considered a social problem because daily women battle feeling comfortable in their own skin. Studies reported by Polivy and Herman (2004) have shown women feel the need to compare themselves to those they see within the media. Additionally, revealing displeasure of their body after their personal comparison. The consequences women endure The brutal consequences of body image issues go deep beneath the surface of the social problem. Women so easily influenced by the social norm regarding weight,

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