Beach Day Essay

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Beach Day It was a perfect beach day, hot and sunny with no clouds in the sky. My brothers and I begged our parents to take us to the beach that day. We told them that we would do absolutely anything if we could go. After an hour of persistent negotiating we were on our way. I absolutely loved beach, the smell of the ocean, the feeling I would get when I walked in the sand with my bare feet, swimming in the warm salty water. I would be the first one in the water and the last one out. My parents would constantly threaten me if I didn’t get out when it was time to go. Nothing could scare me from getting out of the water or even scare me from loving the beach. In the car ride to the beach, I sat anticipating every minute until the time came when I could splash in the water. The closer we got, the more I could not wait to splash around in the water. Finally, my dad yells out “we’re here.” I could not control myself. I felt as if I had ants in my pants with all the excitement I was feeling. My father always told us to not go in the water until he and my other arrived on the shore, because he would worry about us going in too far. I dashed out of the car and raced my way to the beach. At long last, the moment came when I could go in the water. Before I dived in; dipped my big toe in to check the temperature. It was the perfect time to dive in. The water felt sensational, and swimming around in it I thought to myself “I could stay here all day.” I noticed my brothers playing Marco Polo with a boy they had met. Being that I was the only girl and the youngest, they would never let me play with them. It did not bother me much because I always found ways to entertain myself. I loved going on shore to pick those tiny little clams out of the sand. I was always fascinated how they could dig their way through the soggy sand. I made a game out of them. As the waves came in on

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