Battle Royal Essay

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In search of Equality Battle Royal, a short story by Ralph Ellison provides a realistic description of the difficulty of being a black person in a country ruled by white men. The story is written in 1940’s, the post World War II period of uncertainties, all African Americans faced to find out there social standing in a racial society. The story is told from the first person point of view. Narrator, himself tries to find out his social standing in the society lead by white citizens. “All my life I was looking for something, and everywhere that I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.” (Ellison 277) Ellison used different symbols like: stripper, the flag tattoo on the stripper’s belly, the blindfold, and the battle itself to illustrate the black men struggles for equality. The use of symbolization by Ellison portrays a need of a black men from the society. In Battle Royal, the stripper, a blonde women, symbolizes in the struggle for equality. Her presence in the story outlines how little choice both women and black people have in a world dominated by white males. The black men are told to watch the stripper as well as not to look her. “We lowered our heads, trembling, and threatened to looked her and from others don’t.” (Smith) This clearly states the standing of white males in the society. It also portrays that the white men have control over the situation. Although stripper is not dark but she have no choice, but dancing for the entertainment of white men. “As she start dancing and bring detached expression on her face, the men began reaching out to touch her.” (Ellison 280) For whites she is just a piece of entertainment and viewed in the same manner the black men are viewed; less than a person. “I saw the terror and disgust in her eyes, almost like my own terror and that which I saw in some of the other boys” (Ellison 280). This whole description connects
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