Battle of Salamis and the Contribution of Ancient and Modern Sources

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Discuss the reliability and usefulness of ancient and modern sources in contributing to knowledge about the battle of Salamis The Battle of Salamis was one of the most significant battles in human history. Why? Well, although it happened centuries ago, the Greek win influenced the growth and preservation of Athenian democracy and influenced Western civilization’s core ideas of freedom and individual rights. Good morning/afternoon Mrs Harnack and students; we are able to learn this through the accounts of ancient sources, and the interpretations of modern sources. By analyzing ancient and modern sources we are able to gain a deeper understanding of the Battle of Salamis and the factors that led to the turning point in the Greek-Persian Wars. * Herodotus, Plutarch and Aeschylus are all examples of ancient sources; and what sets them apart from one another as sources is that they were all directed by the views of the society of their time. While the three classical writers have similarities, they came from different periods in history. They have gathered evidence or information from varying sources, focused on different aspects, and used different text types to tell the tale. These factors have influenced their thinking, and accounts for their differences in perception and interpretation of the Battle of Salamis. Herodotus is one of the most referred to sources for the Greek-Persian Wars. He not only made a real effort to get the facts straight, but also attempted to analyze and understand the causes of things that were still a mystery. Herodotus based his work on solid research and travelled widely, interviewed hundreds of people and tried to have two or three versions of events, including both the Persian and the Greek version of the Battle of Salamis. However, there were still mistakes in his accounts and he was also affected by his context. Herodotus

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