Barriers To Effective Communication Paper

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Barriers to Effective Communication Paper Melissa Corona January 10, 2011 Theresa Williams Barriers to Effective Communication Paper Introduction In the Criminal Justice System, communication is very crucial; it is a key element for success. Every police officer, from a rookie all the way up to the chief, must be able to speak, listen and understand with no excuses. In the Criminal Justice system there is no room for poor communication, it is a waste of time and a waste of everyone’s energy. In 1928 an author named I. A. Richards offered one of the best definitions for communication and he said, “Communication takes place when one mind so acts upon its environment that another is influenced, and in that other mind an experience occurs which is like the experience in the first mind, and is caused in part by that experience” [ (Harvey Wallace J.D., 2009) ]. The process of communication and its components It is said that communication is a process and not an isolated event. There is believed to be five steps that make up the communication process. * Transmitting an idea * Sending the idea through a medium * Receiving the message * Understanding the idea * Providing feedback to the message sender When and if failure occurs during any of the five steps above, the communication process then becomes flawed, and the information that is at hand will not flow in a smooth and accurate manner. Transmitting an idea is the first step to communication. This step implies the information of one or several thoughts and the desire to express these ideas [ (Harvey Wallace J.D., 2009) ]. The second step that was mentioned above is sending the idea through a medium; because once a messaged is formed it needs to be sent. The transmitting of ideas can be done orally, in writing or by action. No matter what medium is used to send a message, each method

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