Barriers To Effective Communication

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Barriers to Effective Communication Written by: Ialana Rhea-Butler Instructor: Christopher Moreno CJA/304 Week One Assignment Communication is a process that takes practice and time to be fully effective. It is important in every aspect of life whether personal or professional. Much of our time at work and even school for that matter, is spent communicating with others. The process of communication among at least two people is for the purpose of exchanging information. This process is as follows: (1) to transmit an idea, (2) to send an idea, (3) to receive an idea, (4) to understand the idea, and (5) to provide feedback to the person who sent the message. The main components of communication are: (1) context, (2) encoder, (3) message, (4) medium, (5) decoder, and (6) the feedback. The context could be social, chronological, cultural, or physical. The individual sending the message he or she will communicate within a context. The encoder is the sender of the message, and the message is the key idea in which the encoder is trying to communicate. The decoder is the target person of the message, the person in which the message was originally intended for. The way that the decoder understands the message depends on if and how he or she knows the recipient, their responsiveness to the message, and the decoder’s trust and dependence on the encoder. Feedback allows the encoder (sender) to ensure the accuracy of the message. Many people think listening and hearing both have the same meaning however they do not. Walking through a mall and hearing many conversations is one thing because a person would not be trying to pay attention to everyone’s conversation. When they walk into their favorite store and hear the sales person speaking of his or her blowout sale, this is when they are listening. Hearing

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