Barriers In Communication In Health And Social Care

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Principles of communication in adult social care settings (Ref 21) 1)1.1 There are many different reasons why people communicate including –  expressing yourself and your ideas  sharing feelings, needs, wishes and likes  gathering and receiving information  getting to know one another 1.2 Effective communication can affect all aspects of working in adult social care settings with –  teamwork, participation and support  empathy, trust and understanding  recording and reporting 1.3 The importance of observing an individual’s reactions when communicating with them may include –  understanding what the individual is trying to get across thus enabling effective communication  meeting the individuals needs and to recognise…show more content…
Behaviour, body language, facial expressions and eye contact. Touch and physical/non-physical gestures. 3)3.1 Barriers in communication may include –  a lack of privacy and dignity  not understanding or being aware of an individual’s needs, wishes, beliefs, values and culture or using an unfamiliar language and the use of slang words/phrases  an uncomfortable environment – lighting, temperature and noise level 3.2 Ways to reduce barriers in communication may include –  ensuring the environment is private/discreet, quiet and comfortable  understanding or being aware of an individual’s needs, wishes, beliefs, values and culture  speaking slowly and clearly and avoid the use of slang words/phrases verbally and in writing  supporting the individual to communicate their needs and showing you care, are listening and interested 3.3 Ways to check that communication has been understood may include –  observing the person you are communicating with by reading facial expressions and body language  engaging with the individual by asking questions  consulting
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