Ban Wearing Earphones on Streets

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Jella 2012/06/14 H0 Ban Wearing Earphones on Streets It is a shiny day. Minsu who is a young boy is crossing a quiet road slowly. At that time, a big truck is coming fast to him. A loud sound of car horn is filling the area. However, he is not noticing the coming truck, and he is still crossing a road easily. It is a desperately dangerous situation. Why doesn’t he escape this situation? It is due to the earphones in his ears. It is necessary for Korean government to prohibit listening to music by earphones on streets because of three reasons: car accidents, targets of crimes, and hearing losses. When pedestrians wear earphones while they are walking, there is always possibility of being in car accidents. These days, most people have at least one electronic device which makes them able to listen to music. Thanks to these devices and earphones, people can enjoy music wherever they want, and whenever they want. However, according to the journal Injury Prevention, the number of accidents involving earphones is steadily increasing from 16 in 2004 to 47 in 2010. Dr. Richard Linchenstein, an associative professor at Maryland school of Medicine states that earphones can cause absent-mindedness and scattered attention. Therefore, he argues that listening to music by wearing earphones on streets can be fatal (Lichenstein, “Headphone use and pedestrian injury and death in the United States: 2004-2011” ). Actually, if pedestrians wear earphones, they cannot listen to car horns, or take a look around carefully. Korean government should take off earphones from Korean pedestrians, and make them safe. In addition to possibility of vehicle accidents, enjoying music through earphones can make their pedestrians targets of crimes. Nowadays, the public safety of Korea is getting worse because of various, frequent crimes. Most of these crimes happen at a quiet dark night in a

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