Ban of Cell Phone Use in Class

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Ban of Cell Phone use in Class The use of cell phone by the student has taken new dimensions in schools. Many students are addicted to the use of cell of cell phone. Some student can not go without cell phone. Many times are being wasted while talking and texting to a friend or relative on phone. It is OK when student use their phone at the leisure time and not when they are suppose to be studying. However, student use their cell phone to commit some educational fraud; cheating, distracting, and porn pictures, while in class. First of all, student uses their cell phones to cheat during test. According to Diamantes Thomas; “student was caught using cell phone to send text messages and listening to voicemail to cheat during test.” Students are getting lazy. They barely study for the test since they rely on cheat during test. Student use most of their times to the club and attend parties instead of studying. Schools are becoming very strict about the use of cell phone. According to Diamantes parents sue school for banning their children from using phones. School even went to the length of suspending the student for the misconduct of cell phone usage. Again, student use their cell phone to distract attention when class is on. Instructors or teachers have been off track, when cell phone goes off. Lecture is been delay, when instructor’s attention is distracted. Some instructor can spend part of the time meant for lecture in the correction of some deviance altitude in the class room. Other student’s attentions are also distracted when a cell phone goes off. Many students can not concentrate when in a noisy environment; such student is going to lose focus on their lecture when a cell phone goes off. Deviance act of using cell phone in class is not healthy in the educational environment. More so, cell phone has been a device use to share or

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