Ball Games as Symbols the War of the Ball

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Ball games as symbols the war of the balls Pg.131 – 132 This section talks about black dominated sports and the symbols in these sports such as the brown ball going into the white shows that whites are capturing black balls. Whites know that if black people were to unite then then could easily wipe out the white population but black people wont take this into consideration. Pg.133-134 This section talks about the white supremacy and how the only way they can survive is by controlling every non whites balls/testicles off and on the playing fields. White males and females cant ensure there survival of the white population with a world full of non white genetic material. Ball games have a important role to play at a unconscious level informing all white males and females to keep their eyes constantly fixed on the balls as a matter of life and death. Pg.135-136 This section of the book talks about specific ball games such as pool pool consist of 8 colored balls being hit by one white ball and a long dark stick. Once all the colored balls are hit the one white ball is left with the long dark stick. Bowling is also a white supremacy game because you use a big black that’s being rolled towards 10 white pins. A Pg.135-136 This section of the book talks about specific ball games such as pool pool consist of 8 colored balls being hit by one white ball and a long dark stick. Once all the colored balls are hit the one white ball is left with the long dark stick. Bowling is also a white supremacy game because you use a big black that’s being rolled towards 10 white pins. Also sports like football and basketball are dominated by black men but the owners of the organizations have to be white so that they can control who
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