Aztecs and Incas

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Aztec and Inca social, political, and economic systems, both the Aztecs and Incas had fundamental similarities between them such as the success of imperial and military organization as a way of ruling, an intensive agricultural system and achievements. These agricultural bases were both organized by the state that collected the extra food production and regulated the circulation of goods and the distribution of these goods to the social hierarchy or the citizens. Trade in the Aztec civilization was dominated by the merchant class called pochteca that specialized in long distance trade with luxury items and goods. The Incas and the Aztecs both had establishments that were older kinship-based, the ayllu and the calpulli, or clans, which made nobles to rise in power because of this social hierarchy. The nobles became the main subject and high class of the society in both civilizations. Incas had required the women to weave high quality textiles for the state and so it would profit not only them now but for the future generations of the Inca civilizations. Incas tried to combine their empire by establishing roads connecting the vast empire and political structure that would make them all to be on the same side or they would have to go. While the Aztecs however did not do much to unify their empire by political means with this in mind the empires of both civilizations did however gave thought to the local ethnic groups and political leaders. Both allowing the differences from one region or group to another but they must recognize that Incan and Aztecan, is their sovereignty, depending on which empire they lived in and paid tribute to the state .The Incas did not demand tribute as with the Aztecs did but they explicated their land from there clans and collected many of the crops to spread thorough the empire very similar to which the Spaniards did with their working
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