Avicenna and Alhazen

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Avicenna Abu Ali al-Husayn bin And Allah bin Sina was born near Bukhara Islam, know in the West as Avicenna, was a respected Persian physician whose medical treatise influenced medical practice for centuries. Avicenna was taught Korean and literature. Avicenna taught himself astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and medicine. When Avicenna was 16 he had a reputation as an authority in legal and medical matters. Avicenna was offered a position at court as a physician which gave him access to the royal library. He also wrote his first book at the age 21. Later on in life he was working as a lawyer, physician, and Dawla for depression. Avicenna was more of a doctor figure who wrote a book called Canon of Medicine which defined the nature of the human body, health, illness and medical treatments and symptoms of disease. Avicenna died in 1023 by an attack and was 57 years old. Alhazen Alhazen was born in Basra in 965 which was during the middle ages. Alhazen was given a traditional Muslim education. Alhazen is considered the most important Arab physicists. He was Islams greatest scientist who devoted his life to physics, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Astronomy was Alhazen primary interest and the explanation of phenomena. His main concern was the behavior of light "On the Light of the Moon". He believed that the moon is a self-illumination body. Alhazen greatest scientific achievements were in the field of optics. He argued that light physically affects the eye. He did a lot of experiments testing the light and even investigated problems of reflections of the light from various sorts of mirrors. Alhazen was considered to be the founder of modern physics. He died with his greatest achievements in Egypt
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