Autumn Leaves Essay

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I realized tonight, as I drove down the streets I drive down daily, how taken for granted the trees are when they are green…how unnoticed they are. I become distracted from the world (even from driving safely) as I find myself mesmerized by the autumn trees…the leaves so beautifully changing into such beautiful colors. As I had this thought I realized how we are like trees. When our leaves are green (without change) we tend to blend in with the plainness of the world…but when we are challenged, troubled, or even going through a growth spurt (changing) we stand out…our leaves catch the eyes of those around us. When I see the leaves blowing gently in the wind with their bright colors I stand in awe…when I see leaves clinging to the tree, trying desperately to hold on, I am proud of them…when I see one fall to the ground it makes me sad…it’s life has ended. But the tree from whence it fell, as it rids it’s leaves in the most beautiful display, is preparing for winter…it’s dropping it’s baggage (it’s leaves) so that it can survive the coldness coming…with the hope that if it presses forward stripping itself bare and withstanding winter for a season…Spring will replenish it with new life…new leaves. The death of the leaves is a sacrifice. When you see a leaf being gently carried by the air to the ground below…think of it as the shedding of something old…in hopes of something new. When you see or hear the leaves blowing down the streets…they are being called home and they running as fast as they can (they are not tumbleweeds without direction)…no, these leaves have a purpose…their purpose is to help fertilize (decompose and restock) the earth with their nutrients…even a dead leaf can give life to other organisms. When tree leaves are green they are “growing” and they are full of chlorophyll…they use the chlorophyll for photosynthesis (making their own food)
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