Automaticians In The Future, My Future Career

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My future career When I finished 10th grade, I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to become, or what course I wanted to take the next semester. I simply picked the electronic course because I didn’t want any more of the theoretical classes, like social studies or nature science. In short I was tired and bored of regular. I did however not regret this choice, as I’ve found that I really enjoy working with electronics, and I’m very good with it as well. Nowadays I really don’t mind going to school, but I really hated it before. This year of school isn’t all that important to my career, it’s more the foundation of my education. Throughout this year I’ll be learning all the basics of working with automations, which is going to be necessary no matter what I decide to do once the semester is over. Once I finish this year of school, I can choose two ways to reach my goal of becoming an automatics engineer. I can either continue the automatics education I’m taking right now, or I could start taking Intermediate general education classes. I’m going to have to do the latter either way, but if I finish my automatics education first, it might be easier to get a better paying job. I still haven’t decided which way I’m going to do. Hopefully I’ll make up my mind soon. I want to become an automatics engineer mostly because the pay is very good, and I enjoy working with automatic electronics like the PLC. I especially like the programming. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a job on an oil rig, where the pay and vacation time is extremely good. But if I’m going to reach my goal, I’ll have to work really hard at school, and learn as much as possible. There is however other possibilities as well, if I fail to reach my goal. I might end up working on train station, a hydro plant or maybe even a factory. Automation is everywhere, and as such it’s possible for me to work in a whole range

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