Authorship Of The Book Of Ruth

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Authorship in The Book of Ruth There has been much controversy regarding who wrote The Book of Ruth and the time in which it was written. Over the last century many scholars have discussed who might be the author of The Book of Ruth. When looking at the different dates scholars have provided, this may provide some insight about the author and whether or not the author was a woman. The dates given by many scholars show The Book of Ruth was written during the time of Monarchy, closer to the reign of David. Given this information would imply the author was Samuel, but there are other problems with this argument. The story begins, “Now it came to pass, in the days when the judges ruled” (Ruth 1:1). Samuel lived during the end of the Judges Period, which means the Judges period had ended. (Hubbard 23) Another argument is when the genealogies are given at the end of the book. The reader is led to believe David was a well known figure, but Samuel had been dead long before David became king (1 Sam. 28:3); therefore there is little possibility that Samuel was the author. (Carson) Lastly, Samuel lived during the time of Boaz; therefore it would not be necessary for the explanation of legal customs described in Ruth 4:7. (Hubbard 23) The other side of the argument regarding Samuel being the author derives from the fact he was the author of Judges, according to the Talmud, and Judges is an appendix to The Book of Ruth. (Baxendale 4) Scholars also have assumed the author might be a village priest, or an elder. This is a possibility when the reader is given a description of how Boaz consulted with the elders. (Ruth 4:2) (Jacobson 27) The Book of Ruth has had multiple numbers of texts, sources, and revisions. (Lowden 9) First, there is the possibility of the story being told verbally repeatedly, and then it was actually written down later. The first written text was

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