Attractiveness on Trust

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Trustworthiness is an important concept that most people have different general understandings of. Some people have strict measures of trust whereas other people choose to listen to their hearts due to a general feeling about who can be trusted and who can not. Trust exists when it comes to romantic relationships, friendships, meeting someone new, interviewing someone for a job position, or buying something from a salesperson. Every role a person plays, every comment made, every conversation had, and every action displayed will determine whether or not a person can be trusted. When it comes to deciding whether or not to trust someone, one might ask him/herself, “Can I believe you?”, “Do I agree?”, “Do we have similarities?”, or “Is what you are telling me factual?” Trust is something that must be earned and trust can easily be lost, however, for this particular research, I want to shift the focus to trust after first impressions. The objective of this study is to see if a correlation exists between attractiveness and trustworthiness, versus unattractiveness and untrustworthiness. It is hypothesized that people who are attractive will be trusted more than people who are unattractive. It is also hypothesized that interpersonal relationships, conversations, or interviews will run smoothly when presented with an attractive person and not so smoothly when presented with an unattractive person. To guide the aforementioned research, the articles that will follow were of great assistance in supporting my hypothesis. These articles all involved research in which attractive features such as smiling, head-tilts, posture, gender, clothing, and good looks were manipulated and presented to a random group of participants to test whether or not attractive people are perceived as more trustworthy than unattractive people. The participants had varying ideas of what is attractive
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