Attraction, Recruitment And Selection

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Attraction, recruitment and selection: Staffing is broadly defined as the process of attracting, selecting, and retaining competent individuals to achieve organisational goals (Ployhart, 2006). Attraction, Recruitment and Selection are three very important steps in assisting an organisation with the hiring of employees. The traditional philosophy of recruitment can be best summarized as the practice of selling the organisation to outsiders (Morese& Popovich, 2009). Many methods of recruiting can be used to find the right staff for a particular organisation. It is extremely important that organisations look at the best methods that fit their organisation when attracting, recruiting and selecting staff as poor methods can ultimately result in a high level of turnover. Saks (2005) came up with the 3 R’s when looking at attraction and recruitment, which are realistic job previews, recruitment methods and recruiter behaviour. Let’s start by looking at realistic job previews. When looking at recruitment it is essential for an organization to give possible future employees a realistic view of what the organisation is really like. Thus, it is important for them to give any possible future employee’s an idea of both its positive and negative attributes. It is believed that the successful attraction of qualified applicants and the retention of productive employees during the early employment period (tenure of less than one year) require a delicate balance between organisational promotion and preserving the realistic expectations of applicants (Morse et al., 2009). The traditional philosophy of recruitment can be best summarized as the practice of selling the organisation to outsiders (Wanous, 1980). Two methods are widely used to attract employees to an organisation, these are RJP’s (realistic job previews) and ELP’s (Expectation lowering procedures). These methods

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