Atmospheric Layers Essay

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Atmospheric Layers Pel Earth's atmosphere is the layer of gases around the planet Earth. The atmosphere is held in place by Earth's gravity. It is made up of nitrogen (78.1%) and oxygen (20.9%), with small amounts of argon (0.9%), carbon dioxide (~ 0.035%), water vapor, and other gases. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing (taking) ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and balancing the temperature on earth between day and night. Solid particulates, including ash, dust, volcanic ash, etc. are small part of atmosphere. They are important for the formation of clouds and fog. ------------------------------------------------- The atmosphere does not end at a specific place. It just gets thinner when you go higher. There is no clear line between the atmosphere and outer space. 75% of the atmosphere is within 11 km of the Earth's surface. Temperature and the atmospheric layers: Some parts of the atmosphere are hot or cold, depending on height. If you were to climb straight up, it would get colder, then, it would get hotter, as you got higher. These changes of temperature are divided into layers. These are like layers of an onion. But you can not see any difference going from one layer to another layer. You can only feel the change in temperature; start getting hotter in the new layer, or start getting colder. These are the layers of the atmosphere, starting from the ground: * Troposphere - Starts at the ground. Ends somewhere between 7 to 14 kilometers. It gets colder as you get higher. This layer affects our daily life. * Stratosphere - Starts at 7 to 14 kilometers. Ends at 50 km. It gets hotter as you get higher. There is little water vapor and other substances in this layer. Airplanes fly in this layer because it is usually stable. * Mesosphere - Starts at 50 km. Ends at 80 or 85 km. It gets colder again as you get higher. Winds in

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