Atis As Mosquito Repellant

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REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Carrying out outdoor activities is one of the most popular leisure. We love to have a swim in the pool and sunbathe afterwards. We love having a family barbeque during weekends. Some simply sit in the garden to enjoy the sun. However, if there are swarms of mosquitoes that pestering you, you would most probably resort to stay indoors. There is a solution to all these. Start to grow mosquito repellent plants in your garden so that you can treasure it to the fullest. When planning to use plants that repel mosquitoes in your garden, always plants On the top of the list is catnip, a type of herb used to stuff cat toys. It has been proven to be stronger than DEET, making it the champion of repelling mosquitoes. It is basically easy to tend to. For extra result, you can also puck the leaves and dry them before crushing and storing in olive oil. Apply the mixture onto your skin as natural mosquito repellent when necessary. Citronella grass, or better known as the mosquito plant, is also effective ion repelling mosquitoes. It is a tropical foliage plant that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It has strong scent and the raw materials for producing citronella candles. Marigolds are short and compact plants. They produce bright flowers that range from yellow to dark red, which are not only beautiful to look at, but also repel mosquitoes. They give off a strong scent that many insects, including the mosquito, find repulsive. They are also great in preventing aphids in your garden. They are annuals which grow and die within one year. Aside from being a fragrant spice used for cooking, rosemary helps to repel mosquitoes too. However, as rosemary can’t survive in cold weather, so it is better to move it indoors during

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