Athenian Democracy: an Evolution

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We can say that the birth of democracy plays a role in universally changing the governmental organization of a civilization. It has come a long way from history, and is presently known as a political system where people from a certain country rule within their own designated government. Democracy, itself as a word and as a historical constitution, derives from Ancient Greece. It predominantly motored the Athenian governmental system and presently transports an evolution to still progress. Athenian democracy, like any other essential aspect within the Ancient Greek world, beared rises and collapses, from its climatic upbringing of a Cleisthenic reform in 508 BC until a trivial deprivation for Athens in 404 BC. Athens, “the greatest of city democracies” (Encarta), holds an engrossing evolution as well as an institution in a constant war-like period in Ancient Greece. As a cultural, traditional and historical background, “the Athenian society, between 600 and 450 B.C., evolved in what Greeks regarded as a fully fledged democratic constitution, though with a more limited franchise than is seen in modern times” (Nagel 101). The Archaic Age During the Archaic Age, there was a spread of political power with the new founded aristocracy and emerging classes. The Athenian system, as it entered a polis age, initially began with using other traditional institutions from other Greek states. These traditional institutions consisted of adult male assemblies, magistrates (voted annually) and an aristocratic council. Solon The change of democracy took its first incline in Solon’s constitution. In 594 BC as he switched traditional institutions. He did so by riding economically based requisites inflicted toward common Athenian citizens, to the aristocracy. Furthermore, Solon made the Assembly a judicial appeal. During the following century, Athenian aristocracy

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